Mass Intentions at Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Church
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What does it mean to have a Mass said for your intentions?
First, all Masses are really for all the intentions of the entire Church---the whole Church, the whole Communion of Saints in heaven and on earth. With that in mind, a particular Mass can be offered for a particular intention of someone living or deceased. Think of it as that particular Mass being "dedicated" to the intention or that the intention is prayed-for in a special way at that Mass. It's not a way of honoring a person, but praying for the person in a special way. (Catholic Answers Forum)
Offering a Mass is a meaningful part of our Catholic tradition. The Mass book for 2025 will be open November 1, 2024. Please note the following changes in requesting a Mass. The following guidelines are meant to make the process of requesting an intention easy and fair to all parishioners.
The guidelines and forms can also be found in the church or the parish office.
- You may submit your Mass request by mail, drop it off in person, or drop it in the collection basket. ALL Mass requests must be received using the available form. They can be found in back of the church, online and in the office. If the information /request is emailed, please be sure to include all of the information requested on the form.
- We will accept up to two intentions per registered household. Of those, one may be for a Sunday Mass (including Saturday anticipated), and one for a weekday Mass. The requests are honored on a first-come, first-serve basis in the order in which the form is received in the Parish Office.
- A $10 stipend, as determined by diocesan policy, is requested for each Mass intention, however, no one will be denied an intention because of inability to pay. Let us know if this is a hardship for you. This can be circled on the form.
- Note that church law requires only one intention (person) per Mass. However, to better accommodate the needs of parishioners, we will permit: up to three first names with the same last name (i.e. John, Paul and Mary Smith) or two last names only (i.e. Scott and Smith Families).
A request may be made for: a person who is living, a person who is deceased, members of a family, in Thanksgiving, etc.
Please print the form above and return it to the parish office, in person, by mail or dropped in the collection basket. If you have any questions regarding the policy, please call the office, but be aware that no Masses will be scheduled by phone.
You may also email the information to [email protected] and send a check to the office.